Description of the place

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Borgo Pace is 450m. above sea level, in the Upper Metauro Valley, in the beautiful mountain ranges of the Marche Apennines, that provide a natural protection from the cold north winds, on the borders of Umbria and Tuscany.
Laid on a flat wedge formed by the confluence of the Meta and Auro streams that just outside the inhabited areas join together, mixing their Alpine waters to give life to the famous historical Metauro River.
Borgo Pace, with its mountains and expanses of forests, keeps an entire natural patrimony intact. Gurgling steams with A type waters, wonderful sulphur waters, wild boars and people busy at doing old jobs like making coal, make this town an ideal place for the alternative tourism that environmentalists and ecologists long for.
Borgo Pace also offers, even to the most demanding tourists, interesting incentives for historical and artistic reflection, especially with the excursions to its castles: Lamoli’s Benedictine Abbey, Parchiule Mucci Palace.
Within a few kilometres we find Urbino with its Ducal Palace and Raffaello’s memories, San Sepolcro where Piero della Francesca was born and Città di Castello with its ancient Roman Tifernum.
Among the typical products of the area the ones of greatest value are truffles, game, wild boar meat, cheeses from the Apennines pastures, red potatoes and mushrooms.
We are 30km from Urbino, 70 from Pesaro and not much more from Rimini and Ancona where there are airports

RIMINI’s airport km 95


ANCONA’s airport km 111


Exit motorway A14 tollbooth PESARO
km 65


Exit motorway A14 tollbooth FANO
km 70


Exit motorway A1 tollbooth  AREZZO
km 80


Exit highway E45 SAN GIUSTINO
km 30


PESARO’s train station km 67


AREZZO’s train station km 71


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