The Source of San Francesco

Hike to the source


Italiano | English

Between Umbria and Marche and Tuscany, touching the most significant places in the life of St. Francis, places of peace and nature, where the Saint took refuge from the vanity of the world, ordinary people and closer to his message, in a sweet and lush nature.
The province of Marche, in 1208, was the first land visited and evangelized by St. Francis, which he dedicated the 42nd chapter and most of its famous "Little Flowers of St. Francis", and in 1226 fascinated by the great spirituality of the place, composed the Canticle of the Sun, known as the "Canticle of Brother Sun and Sister Moon". The poem is a praise to God, to life and nature that is seen in all its beauty and complexity.
The itinerary Franciscan Pesaro and Urbino, retraces the historic homes of large families: the Montefeltro, Malatesta and Della Rovere. There is a path in the Marche, where St. Francis left significant traces of his passage. This is the famous route of "Sora water" (which is useful, humble, precious and pure); On 8 May 1213, St. Francis received the gift of the Monte della Verna from Count Orlando of Chiusi; It can therefore be assumed, that started from the convent of Montecasale to go to San Leo. We do not know whether this trip was the outward or the return path, the fact is, that, according to witnesses, the countries were outnumbered roughly the following: Convent Montecasale, Pass Cows, Figgiano Borgo Pace Mercatello Metauro, Sant'Angelo in Vado, Lunano, Montefiorentino Carpegna Montecopiolo and finally San Leo. They tell many miracles and unusual jets of water during its journey, recent evidence, come to this day, tell us that in some basins, the inhabitants of the area, leaving chairs and glasses for travelers in need of refreshment. A Figgiano, for example, between Borgo Pace and Parchiule under the Oratory of Colubraia, the Saint would have brought forth a spring still called Fonte di San Francesco, which would own therapeutic effects. Stories of the past tell us that this source of spring water, until a few decades ago, they carried babies or people with skin problems to wet them with water of San Francesco. L 'water still flows out from a large pool of "sponge stone" that certainly holds much calcium making the water more light and gentle to the skin. According to these stories, the way of St. Francis Assisi to La Verna, may well have an extension towards the Marche Apennines.
Below we offer as you can get to visit "the stone sponge Source of St. Francis" to Figgiano of Borgopace, where certain months of the year the water flows therapeutic, and discover unknown paths traveled by Saint Francis of Assisi.
San Francisco after being transited to Figgiano, to go to San Leo, went to Mercatello Metauro where he could count on Don Bartholomew, religious that housed the brothers in transit there. It is no coincidence that the monumental church of San Francesco in Mercatello, is one of the first foundations of the Franciscan Order; a document that talks about this structure was already active in 1235, ie just nine years after the death of Saint Francis of Assisi.

Proposal for a new exciting journey as a pilgrim on the Apennines between the Marche-Umbria-Tuscany and Romagna
Montecasale Hermitage (AR) - Source of San Francesco in Figgiano (PU)

From the Hermitage Montecasale (Sansepolcro AR Tuscany region) is undertaken the CAI 6A through the Three Terms descend towards Parchiule taking the path CAI 85, up to the Poggio forks where you turn into the path CAI 89 (direction Parchiule) from there you arrive in Ranco Fabbro, and you reach the dirt road leading to Parchiule. Go past the village of Parchiule and continue along the local road towards Borgo Pace, after 500m on the left take the path 90, still is exceeded Palazzo Mucci and takes the path 88 that leads to the Source of San Francisco and then to Figgiano , small and charming medieval village. (located in the territory of Borgo Pace in the province of Pesaro-Urbino - Marche region)
Source of San Francesco in Figgiano (PU) - Monastery "La Verna" (AR)
From Figgiano, you embark on the path 88 past the Fonte di San Francesco and continue until Palazzo Mucci, where you take the path 90 to reach the municipal road. On the road continue towards Parchiule surpassing the village, and go to the cemetery in the village of Villa, here, you take the path 90bis; follow it to the Outlet of Bucine; thence continue along the famous "Italian path" to the pass of Via Maggio, then descend towards Pieve Santo Stefano and reach the Sanctuary of La Verna.

Our proposal to follow the path of St. Francis in the path of “Sora Acqua”

  Click to view the route on the map  
  Departure from Locanda La Diligence in Piazza del Pino:
8:30 am Holy Mass in the church Santa Maria Nuova (the square next to the Locanda del Pino)
9:00 am departure on foot Pilgrim directed to the Source of San Francesco. From Piazza del Pino, take the municipal road towards Parchiule until fork to Figgiano them take the road on the right, and continue until you get to the stone sponge Source of St. Francis - arrival to 11:00. Packed lunch, prepared from the kitchen of the inn.